My first Mandala~ Love Branches Out~

Creating a Mandala was the first spiritual art I tried. I call it spiritual because it is referred to in a lot of new age sites in regards to meditation and affirmations. This is how I had learnt about them due to my awakening. I realized that part of my path is to create art from the vision within my heart, my gift from God from his light within me. This is amongst all of our gifts as we create just like the “creator” himself. We create in all different ways, our gifts are different but all come from the same light within, our creator light….

With that being said…. My first creation at the beginning of my spiritual journey…. ♥

By Tonya Barton (c)
By Tonya Barton (c)

Fall Escape

The colorful leaves 

on the trees

are falling..

Many are out

and about

soaking up the last of the 

seasonal fun

Hay rides

Haunted Houses


Cider Mills

What a delight 

to share

A warm cider and doughnut

after a bumpy hay ride 

gathering pumpkins  

to carve and color

There’s a chill in the air

as darkness closes in 

with screams and howls

from within the haunted houses

A brisk breeze blows

the leaves crinkle

under your feet

as you walk up the stoop

the orange light 

of a pumpkin glows

lighting your way

through the threshold

the night comes to an end

lights are dimmed

the moon peeks in

until tomorrow

another day begins..

Fall Escape
Fall Escape

The need to “Rant”

I’m not sure how things work where you are from….but…Here we have many charities that help the needy. I’m sure we all know the routine. There is either a donation box pretty much everywhere you go or you receive a phone call and even commercials.

There is another way of donating especially around the holidays for instance, the biggest one of all… Salvation Army… their bells ring all Christmas season at your local grocery store, walmart.. etc.

This particular one I am having a huge issue with, especially today!! 


Besides the Fire Department, I think These are the only Charity Group that stand in the center of the road at MANY intersections asking for Donations, then they give you a Tootsie Roll.

What a safety hazard, for one!! These men and women are not construction workers so this is a risk taken on their own free will!! I have not researched how many are injured or die per year… but… I have a feeling there are some. This kind of thing is bound to happen when you are standing on the center line “between” Traffic!!!!

Today I saw something that I could not believe!!!

I am not sure if this was the man’s Daughter or Granddaughter about the age 12-13 Standing on that center line along with him!!!

This brings me to wonder.. HOW DESPERATE !!!!!


are to bring in children to “play” in the road…

Aren’t we always telling them to stay out of the road!! That child has no idea of the true danger that the man had put her in. She is just excited because she get’s to help!!! I am astonished at what I saw and this is why I needed to rant this out because in “My Opinion” that is just not right!!! I feel that there are many other ways this child can help and still be fulfilled!!

I pray for this young ladies safety throughout the day and into her future and may her choices always suit her highest good ♥ and that those making the choices for her choose safety first~

P.S. The Knights Of Columbus are a Do wonderful charity, this I am not knocking…. it is the judgement of those who serve I do not necessarily agree with….

Feathers & Flowers Zendoodle

The moment I learnt what a Zendoodle was I wanted to create one. 

For the love of doodling my whole life, how did I not know about these or that there was an actual name for what I had been doing all along.

These are very meditative, per the (Zen) part of the word. I can definitely agree with the concept. Maybe this is why I need a sign that says do not disturb when Zendoodling 😉

Just in case you are wanting to research these, I would suggest looking for “Zentangles”

You can find the Patterns for these all over google images. I did say patterns yes, because there is a difference between the two. A Zentangle has a pattern within squares and a Zendoodle is pretty much whatever you are feeling (hopefully positive 😉 I doodle a lot of flowers, leaves trees, etc.

 Once you research and decide what feels best for you the choices are endless either way.


Feathers & Flowers
Feathers & Flowers