♥Community Award♥ Take One or More♥

Beautiful Blog

I feel the need to express my gratitude for the kindness of community here on WordPress……I am grateful that I found my place here with others that share the same interests.

The Special part of it all is that we are all here for the same reasons.

Sharing, Caring and Community…


I will admit that when I create a post I love to see someone like it and better yet to comment, that makes this world a great place to be a part of.

I am grateful to have the opportunity to read,comment and like all the other stories and expressions that are around this wonderful world of bloggers. This creates opportunities for us to reach others that we may have never crossed paths with in our lifetime. Sharing a great space with those who fill you with joy to see day after day, the inspiration of a wonderful poem, and the vision one has when you see the photos they took. How blessed are we to share the beauty of this world with each other right here in this place.

Inspiring Blog



Beautiful Blogger



18 thoughts on “♥Community Award♥ Take One or More♥

  1. Oh, Tonya. You put tears in my eyes. You beat me to what I was thinking of doing over at Petals. Morgan beat me to awarding you, and you beat me by awarding your followers before I did. Well, I guess I am just supposed to be chillin’ today. I do want to post a song on my blog, that spoke to me on how I feel about my followers.


    1. Amy,
      Please re-blog and make it your own as well.
      It is a gift that keeps giving ♥
      You have some different followers than I do.
      It is a beautiful treasure to have thinking minds alike, this I cherish as well ♥
      I can’t wait to see your song and reblog ♥
      Love, TonyaXO

        1. Awwe… I shall send Love to you both and if you would like I could send distant Reiki to your kitty if i could have her/his name ♥
          I will send love no matter what ♥
          XO Tonya

      1. Tonya, you and one other Blessed Soul, sent Rocky Reiki yesterday. Today, for the first time he is eating the regular moist food. Granted it was a tiny amount and I will feed him by hand some more, BUT this is the first time since he has been ill that he has shown interest in food. There were two other times he came to a food dish, but that was for “snackies”, which I don’t consider to be a regular meal.

        I am SO grateful to you. I am SO relieved. I am honored to call you friend. Bless you, Tonya, for helping one of my little fur angels. I am planning on writing about this phenomenon I am seeing here, with some of my cats. I believe it has everything to do with the ALL Evolving in the “ascension process”. I’m not even sure if you are familiar with this term, or if you are calling it by another name. It matters not. What is important, I see “changes” (for the better) but they are only seen after one of my cats has been seriously ill.

        Also…….I am having the darnedest time with fonts. I just don’t seem to be able to get it right. Which ones are you using, because I really like them? I was pulling my hair out last night, trying to “hit the right ones” etc……If I told you how many times I have done so, you would laugh. I also changed my colors as well. You inspired me to do so.

        Now, perhaps I can get that song on that I wanted to today. I don’t know how to put a music player on my blog, so I will just have a link to YouTube and write out the words to the song.

        I am SOOOOOOOO relieved. Yiveh! Mom is happy when babes are happy.


        1. Amy,
          I will indeed make it one of my purposes as well today to send more Reiki to Rocky. I am grateful as well that the healing light source of Reiki is working within his body and that he is surrounded with such unconditional love.
          Thank You for the confirmation 😉
          We are all blessed to be ascending together though all on different level, the beautiful thing is that we can help teach and support one another in this process.
          The Spiritual flu just came to me as I was thinking of Rocky and all of us. During our growth we may .have flu like symptoms as well release and/or ascend more along our journey. Cats are”sensitives and very spiritual animals and you are very blessed to be sharing space with them …and them you 😉

          Now for the Fonts….I use the regular BOLD or ITALIC…sometimes both 😉 I think it changes when you change your theme. Only do you get more specialties if you pay for them. 😉
          Finding just the right theme to make it how you want is frustrating in itself .
          I am having troubles with mine being two columns once and then single, it can’t make up its mind! I see myself changing again…lol
          Love, XOX and blessings to you and your babes ..

          1. Hehehehehehe Tonya, I did pay for premium. And to get a theme that works……oh Luv, I aint changin’. Colors yes. To get everything as I want it…….yep, very frustrating. And time consuming.

            I have TWO articles in mind, one about creation, and one about what I am observing in these animals. ALL species are ascending…….I have some truly remarkable observations to share. I really believe, Rocky, who has had SO many problems, is releasing through this “illness” and “fever”. He gave me quite the scare YET his eyes kept telling me, not yet, Mom.

            I am so grateful to you, Tonya. Between you and Terri, Rocky turned the corner last night. I am deeply indebted to you for helping this little angel get his “wings”.

            With LOVE, Amy (who is roaring today! hehehehehehe……I did something I “should have” a long time ago, TODAY!) Read all about it…….my last post. (smile) It might be a little “too real” for the sugar-drops……I kept it clean. But, you can feel the Emotion. I am finished being a slave! I set ME FREE………And boy does it FEEL good!

          2. I look forward to reading up on your insights…and of course going from here to read you new post 😉

            I do have some catching up to do on here, some posting, some changing around….lol…tis the blogging world 😉
            I am so grateful as well for Rocky and his healing… he has his purpose to fulfill indeed. Together we all came full circle with love and purpose!

            I am grateful for you my friend Amy and look forward to our sharing of space and communication each day…what blessings!!

            Enjoy your freedom and surrender, always find your peace and joy…hold it within your heart and carry it always…

            XOXO Love Tonya

    1. I am grateful for you all and wanted a way to express this. Since there are many awards going around I thought hmm this is a way to get through to everyone with gratitude for our community…XOXO

      1. I have added my award already….I’m definitely the bright colour gal. I marvel at your art work and I love the whole idea. I feel it’s especially delightful with Christmas and the world of giving just around the corner. Once again thank you.

        1. I am grateful for your enjoyment, the love of colors and finding joy in the gifts we share among this wonderful place…. ♥
          I am equally grateful for you and all that you give to me in return ♥ (((HUGS)))

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