Keep on Standing!


There are days that I feel Powerful…

and days I feel Weak…

Those days are all okay…

As long as I keep Standing on my feet…


Believe in your power~ Love and Light~ Have faith that you will get through any obstacle and come out standing. Our purpose is to be loving of ourselves and others. May it be so ❤ Always know that you are blessed and be grateful for every step for it is growth.

Love, Tonya Marie



There’s A Strength


There’s a strength….

It’s there… on the outside…

The strength you have when….

Your surrounded by supporters…

The strength you have when…

Your in the depth of conversation…

That strength that rises with excitement…

Welling up inside you….

That strength you feel that grows with the thoughts of a new journey…..

When your loved ones say…’s okay…

Follow your dreams….

That’s the strength you need…

When your all alone ….

When your having that weak moment….

The Strength you need to pull you back up…

So that in each moment…

You can be strong…

Without a doubt…

On the inside and out…..

That Strength you want to stay…

Because it’s going to be okay….

Love & Light






Some Have Words


Some have words full of color…

A rainbow of vocabulary…

Inspiring to those who have few….

A source of wisdom, so it seems..

Having a way with those sweet, colorful words…

Enticing to those seeking knowledge….

Taking shape as one facilitates…

The value of such pretty words…

Feeling powerful…

The colors seem to fade…

Transforming into black and white…

Some have words ..

That become untrue…

Not resonating between the two…

Loss of control…

When words turn ugly…

Some have words…

You should be weary…

For the brightest rainbow..

Fades to nothing…

Leaving you speechless….


With new beginnings…So…

Some have words..

That are Truth and Honest…

Speaking of beauty…

Always glimmering …

No power or struggle…

That rainbow is here to stay…

Some have words…

Choose them wisely…..


We can all be enticed by those who speak of such wisdom and knowledge. We are drawn in with the thirst to learn as we want to spend time with those that want to teach us and work together. We take on friendships, partnerships and relation ships by just words alone. Never really asking for proof of this knowledge and trusting the words because they are so bright and full of color. As time goes on we see that the words are just that!! Never do they take shape or transform within the relationship, they become stagnant and repetitive. Like an echo of words already spoken. As this happens we find ourselves lost for words and wonder how we got ourselves into this trap. Only to find out that there is no beautiful end to this rainbow.

May you always find the light in them that is in you! If you struggle may it be a lesson as you move on along your journey! 



As the blur starts to clear away….

With each blinking lash…

A deep sigh evolves…

From chest to lips…

Breathing gratitude into the air…

All while the suns rays peek into the room…

A new day …

Lights the way…

Eyes, heart and mind fill with clarity….

Ready to LIVE another day…..


~TonuaMB~ ❤



As we awaken

more to our true self

and become more aware of the LOVE that surrounds us..

..We Root ourselves to Mother Earth..

.She fills us with Love and Keeps us Grounded..

.With the Light and Love in our Hearts…

We reach High above into the Universe…. God..

..Whom is the Love in our Hearts…..

The Light grows as we stay in Love..

.Centered in Love…As we “choose ” to do so…

.Our purpose will show….The Divine Love…We long for..

. It shall come ….Believe… and ..

.It Is Done ♥ 


Written on 3~31~13 at 3am 

BY, TonyaMB